
Introducing: The 32 companies joining Applied AI 2.0

We are excited to announce that One Big Circle are among the 32 companies who have been selected to join Applied AI 2.0, Tech Nation’s growth programme for technology companies with artificial intelligence at their core. Now in its second year, Applied AI 2.0 forms part of the UK Government’s AI Sector Deal, supported by the office for AI. The government aims to take advantage of the global trends regarding artificial intelligence to maximise economic and societal benefits for the UK.

Applied AI 2.0 is designed to champion and support the UK’s leading AI scaleups through peer-to-peer learning and mentoring sessions. Companies who deal with artificial intelligence encounter many of the same, niche scaling challenges. Through the programme, individuals across the 32 organisations can come together to overcome them and learn from each other, which is key to the success and advancement of AI tech in the UK.

OBC are developing AI and Machine Learning capabilities in alignment with two of the grand challenges raised in the Government’s AI Sector Deal; AI and Data Economy and Future of Mobility are areas that the Automated Intelligent Video Review system (AIVR) is seeking to address. AI has enabled the creation of automated rail monitoring systems as a part of AIVR, detecting potential hazards on the rail infrastructure including vegetation and other encroachments in the lineside environment. As additional machine learning models are developed, more safety and efficiency benefits will be realised in the rail industry, helping propel the industry into the future.