AIVR OLE (Overhead Line Equipment) utilises a range of innovative capture systems to rapidly deliver data. Integrated Machine Learning and AI capabilities are specifically engineered to support advanced digital inspection methods and predictive maintenance planning for OLE. This enables the railway operators to proactively address predictive maintenance challenges in railways, effectively helping to avoid unplanned downtime and improve the longevity of their railway assets.
Pantograph Analysis Integrations
OLE Climate Resilience
AIVR’s Machine Learning models tackle weather-induced railway failures by automatically identifying and measuring balance weights along the trackside to support predictive monitoring of Overhead Wires. The AI capability helps mitigate the weather impact on overhead wires by providing continued monitoring of the height and descent of balance weights. This aligns with weather events, helping to prevent slackened lines in extreme weather and avert the potential associated safety risks.
Corona Discharge Events
Developed from a Proof of Concept delivery, AIVR addresses invisible corona discharge risks by facilitating the detection of invisible Corona discharge along the overhead line using UV Corona cameras. These cameras can be installed onto a measurement fleet or in-service train, transmitting real-time corona discharge detection data for online review. Integrated Machine Learning models automatically detect occurrences of Corona within the UV data, where experts can safeguard against UV Corona events and assess deterioration or maintenance requirements intuitively.